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Writer's pictureSue Crooks

Why work with a Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistants were mystical creatures before the pandemic occurred. Well, at least to me they were! Since I launched Team B Virtual Assistant in March 2021, I have come to know quite a few and we really are a lovely bunch.

But why should you work with a Virtual Assistant? I mean, you know your business inside and out and you have a certain way of making things work.

Well, I want to shed some light on the benefits of having a VA in your team, so let’s dive right in!

To begin with there are loads of VA’s in the world and, just like finding a soul mate, you will find yours. The skills and experience of each differs, so you really need to think about what you want in a VA.

Skills could include:

· Telephone handling · Email and diary management · Event planning · Bid writing · Research · Project admin support · Social media content creation and control · Bookkeeping · Copywriting · Proofreading · CRM and database management · Travel arrangements · Personal shopping · SEO and website management · Webinar and networking hosting/coordination · Mail campaigns · Minute taking · Data analysis · Holiday cover · Gift sourcing and purchasing

The list could just keep going.

Now you know what a VA is capable of, what are the benefits to your business?

Saves you money

But I have to pay the VA to work?

Well yes you do, but you’re paying for someone to do the jobs you hate or struggle to get your head around. A VA is an expert in their chosen field, so instead of hiring a full time employee, you can hire a VA for so many hours a month and that means you don’t pay for:

ü Recruitment costs

ü NI

ü Pension

ü Sick pay

ü Training

ü Office Space

ü Computer Licences

ü Holiday or illness cover.

Once you have added all of the above, and I’m sure there is something I have likely missed, then you know each month that is a major overhead. What could you be spending the money on if you weren’t paying these out each month?

A VA will only invoice the amount of time they have worked, so no breaks, no answering the door to the postie - anything in their work day that isn’t related to your company is not clocked against your time.

Pretty simple!

More Time

Time is the one resource we cannot control, and with businesses needing constant work and development we often lose a lot of hours. Hiring a VA will enable you to reclaim time; as tasks which you struggled with or just didn’t enjoy can be passed over and taken care of by a VA on a regular basis.

With the removal of tasks from your To Do list, you have freed up quite a bit of time. So, what do you fancy doing with all that extra time?

Scaling your business, having afternoons or days off, or implementing better working practices with your clients. The list could go on, after all its your time and you have worked hard to achieve it.

Better work/life balance

The mythical work/life balance is something we all strive to achieve, but how many of us can say this is our normality?

Since the pandemic we have all had time to reflect on what’s important to us, and having freedom to enjoy our time with loved ones has been pushed to the top of why a lot of us go into business.

VA’s excel in an admin challenge, so if you’re looking to work smarter and get back to the family quicker then ask your VA to review your working methods. Templates, programmes and simply taking tasks off you are all key areas a VA will look at to improve your business work systems.


Having a VA on your team means you will have more flexibility with your time to achieve what you want. If you’re working on a monthly retainer service, your VA will be keeping all their tasks in check and probably be asking for more!

So, if you want to develop your business or delve into a personal development project you can without feeling guilty. The beauty of outsourcing your admin tasks really does lie in the relationship you and your VA has.

Team B Virtual Assistant

Team B Virtual Assistant offers support to business owners who are overwhelmed with admin tasks which never truly disappear. So, whether its reorganizing your diary for efficient methods of working, quality audits, email support, podcast admin or project support my aim is to help you refocus on the important things and reclaim your time.

I love getting to know my clients as to really understand your passion and be able to assist you I need to know what you care about. Yes, that does include knowing your hobbies, what your dog is called and how the kids are doing!

If you’re interested and would like to know more or would like a one to one, then please do get in touch. You can find me:

Or you can reach me on email at


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